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Furrows and Fields

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

I was asked recently to read this poem at my father-in-law's funeral. He was a farmer and so you will see the relevance. I like a good poem but would not call myself a devotee of poetry however I do think studying and reading poetry helps exercise the creative mind. Enjoy.

Furrows and Fields

I spent my life in furrows and fields

Working and tilling the land

Observing the beauties created

By God’s almighty hand

I have touched the richness of soil

I’ve born the wind and sun on my face

And I would choose this life and this land

Over any other place

A life filled with crimson-dawned mornings

When I was up to greet the sky

Days spent with family and creation

All throughout my life

I was blessed to experience each springtime

Where raindrops have washed the earth clean

While summer’s sun nurtured my harvests

Fields bearing the lushness of green

And my life’s been strengthened by trials

For the weak can never belong

In a living where nature and the elements

Form a body and a courage that’s strong

Still, I’ve also been blessed with some miracles

During trying times when I couldn’t go on

Until God sent me the help I needed

And kept me right where I belonged

So having witnessed the power of God

Upon my life and upon the seasons

I know there’s a purpose in everything

Though sometimes we don’t know the reasons

…And so my life must be no different

Just like the crops that I have grown

For I am also God’s child and seed

That at harvest must come home…

To share in the joy of His presence

And to humbly kneel at His feet

Entering into His joy, and His rest

For a season of everlasting peace

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