Many parents post their children's smaller artwork on the refrigerator or some type of similar area but you can take it a step further and really boost your child's self-confidence and save some money in the process. Some of the art projects children do these days are quite amazing!

The return to school is upon many after a long and involuntary leave of absence. Many have fallen behind the proverbial learning curve and it is not going to be easy to keep or make up ground given the current educational climate. In this generation of dual-working parents, many have had to make significant sacrifices to keep work, education, and daily home life stay on the tracks. Many parents have sacrificed more than should be required but that is what parents do. The following post relates more to those with younger students but the beauty in this post is the reward that comes from taking the advice and and will serve as your Medal of Honor for your recent sacrifices and encouragement.
One of the key roles of a parent is as the encourager. It is one thing to tell your child to read but it is another, and much more effective, to encourage your child to read. How do you do that? Reading to your child is one way. Setting a good example by reading yourself is another.
The same is true for encouraging your child to expand the artist within them. In school children are constantly producing vast quantities and styles of artwork. Where does all that artwork end up? Often the smaller pieces are enthroned on the refrigerator until something more urgent or livelier takes their place. Then what happens to them? Most of the time they are either discarded or placed in a location that might be explored during spring-cleaning or moving day.

I would like to suggest that you choose some of the artwork that your child is most proud of, pieces that you enjoy most, or pieces that compliment your home and adorn your walls with them. Do not just tape to them a wall, buy a nice frame and hang them. Michaels or similar craft store, routinely provide coupons that will allow you to purchase a decent frame at an affordable price. If you cannot find a frame that the artwork will fit into adequately buy a larger frame and place a large piece of colored paper behind it that will act as a border.
When I painted our living room where we had two professional paintings hanging on the wall for years, I had planned on returning them to their usual setting when I remembered I had two framed pieces of our children’s artwork waiting to be hung in a different room. I placed them on the wall and I must say they looked absolutely beautiful in our living room.
Not only do I have a much more colorful and happy room but also I believe my children feel a sense of pride in seeing their artwork hanging on such prized real estate. As for those pieces that do not get chosen, you may want to take photographs of some of your child’s favorites and don’t forget about the outdoor chalk drawings. I recently created a photograph album on my computer for my children’s artwork. The pictures are very clear and fun to look at from time to time. In this age of digital photography it is simple, does not cost anything except a little computer storage, and there are no boxes of old artwork lying around. One a side note, I also did this for many of our family’s trophies. It feels good to throw things out. Simplify your life.
Displaying your children’s artwork celebrates your children’s’ achievements and gives them a sense of pride. It encourages them to continue to pursue art for the sake of creating artwork. I have found that as children grow older, artistic endeavors, unless it is their passion, tend to fade away. Having their artwork displayed around the house just may keep that creative candle lit a little longer and who knows what might happen as a result. Art is an activity that can be practiced for a lifetime and is a wonderful hobby. As a parent the more you can inspire your children to engage and continue the artistic craft the more well-rounded and happier they will become.